
ASCDI Podcast

Meet DTC Computer Supplies

A Company Dedicated to the Secondary Market

New to the AscdiNatd, DTC Computer Supplies is a family owned company specializing in buying and selling IT equipment that offers a deep bench of experience in the industry, and especially in data storage products. In this podcast, Norm Hutton, Wholesale Purchasing and Sales with DTC, gives us a look at the new ASCDI member. Hutton discusses how DTC offers many services including quantity discounts, same day shipping, blind and double blind drop shipments, in-house labeling and initialization, free EDP Tri-Optic barcode labels with any tape purchase and a deep inventory of products. We learn about DTC’s exclusive Phoenix Rejuvenation Process. Hutton describes DTC’s used tape and IT equipment buyback programs.

Qualifying for membership in the AscdiNatd distinguishes our organization and assures our customers of receiving quick and creative solutionsto their technology needs in an ethical and responsible manner. Adherence to the AscdiNatd Code of Ethics is a requirement of continued membership in this prestigious worldwide organization and somethign we take very seriously. 

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